31 Marzo 2025


MARIO SANNA FOUNDATION and Vestibology Italian Society
Guidetti Prize
Recognising the value of scientific publications on Vestibology

Mario Sanna Foundation The Mario Sanna Foundation, or Fondazione Mario Sanna ONLUS (FMS from now on), was founded in 2015 and obtained the ONLUS certification the following year (Italian certification for not for profit organizations). The Foundation is dedicated mainly to medical research, and pursues purposes of social solidarity through actions, studies and scholarships, awareness campaigns, disbursements of various kinds to other institutions or charities. The Foundation is registered in Sector 11 of the Emilia Romagna Region, a sector that indicates its membership in scientific research, research that has as its main seat the Private Hospital of Piacenza and its Department in Otorhinolaryngology (the Otologico Group, the first center in Italy for the care of the middle ear as attested by the Ministry of Health in the National Plan Outcomes Report) ...
Durante l'8° Congresso Nazionale, svoltosi a Padova il 28-30 ottobre 2021, sono stati assegnati i seguenti premi:
1° Dott. Andrea melis
2° Ex Aequo Dott. Andrea Castellucci
2° Ex Aequo Dott. Salvatore Martellucci
3° Dott.ssa Marta Mion

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